If we live the Gospel, we will be people of justice
and our lives will bring the good news to the poor.”
~ St. Katharine Drexel
Eucharistic Ministers
Assist the Priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, Communion Services, and to the sick and shut-ins.
Welcome parishioners and distribute Orders of Worship.
Proclaim the Word of God through scripture readings in the Christian gathering.
Altar Servers
Children and adults having received their First Holy Communion may assist in serving at the Altar during Weekend Masses and other liturgical services.
Music Ministry
Join the choir ministry in singing at Sunday Mass (10:30am) and at our other special liturgies throughout the year. A wide range of styles including chant, polyphony, spirituals, and contemporary music are performed. Instrumentalists and cantors are also welcome. Rehearsals take place Sunday's at 9:00am - 9:55am.
Catholic Charities / St. Katharine Drexel Lovejoy Outreach & Pantry (716) 312-7510
Provides services to help assist families in our local area through hard times. Please offer your donations of non-perishable foods after weekend masses.
Anointing of the Sick
If you are entering the hospital or facing a surgery, the Church encourages an anointing. Call the rectory any time to request prayers and anointing.
Bereavement Support
Teams who help plan the funeral liturgy and lead prayer service with families. For more information on funeral liturgies, please click here
Faith Sharing
Join us after Sunday mass the first Sunday of each month for faith sharing. An open discussion of topics from the readings, current events, homilies, and our own reflections. All are welcome to listen and share.
Social Justice
The Social Justice efforts at St Katharine Drexel parish have been driven by the concerns of its parishioners. The Social Justice Group is focused on facilitating these ideas in bringing the Gospel into action. Learn more on our Social Justice page or contact the social justice team via email.
Liturgical Environment Team
This team assists with seasonal decorations, candles, and maintaining the sanctuary plants. All help is welcome! Contact the rectory to volunteer your time!